In the rustle of the morning stars…

Photo by Miriam Espacio on
I hear you whisper,
call me back to the quiet spaces
between the dream-flute's mesmerising song
as the dawn shifts into a deepening
blue, a time-lapse of growing sunlight
rippling through dark waters,
echoing through stone -

  there is no other voice
  but song, a feather on the air, 
  a heartstring on a wing, 
  a drummer and a dancer 
  and a ringing bell -

"Just follow the river and see where it might lead."

I must keep writing,
stay on this path that has no map,
no direction, just a glimpse
of steps forever winding upwards 
towards a different kind of life.

Outside, the world beckons
with a wink, a smile, a kiss.

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